What is digiCMS?
Trusted by over 100+ MNCs and businesses

Build Better, Faster, and Smarter with digiCMS Construction Software

Build Better, Faster, and Smarter with digiCMS Construction Software.
Web App for Real Estate Company
Mobile App for Project Reviews
Web App for Contractors
Application for Top Management

digiCMS: Construction Management Software Solutions
- Cloud-based solution that can be accessed anytime and anywhere with internet connection
- You can Digitize every transaction and activity of your office
- Complete process automation with little or no human intervention
- Allow your employees to work anywhere and still track every activity
- Access company-wide data and reports anytime anywhere
- Get all departments integrated and have seem less communication with them
- Web application for managers to approve employee-related activities/requests
- Mobile application that allows convenient and on-the-go completion of tasks,approvals and more
- Mobile app available and supported in both Android and iOS platforms
- Both web and mobile apps can be white-labeled using company’s logo and colorpalette so they look and feel like they are the company’s own applications
digiCMS Modules
Real Estate Mobile App
Contractor Web App
Staff Mobile App

Real Estate Mobile App

Contractor Web App

Staff Mobile App